
Lola's Hot Sauce

“Partnering with Hummingbirds has been a top-notch experience from start to finish. We’ve been working with the team for over a year now, and they have delivered consistent results period-over-period. For our quickly growing small business, a key metric for success is average weekly turns per store selling. Using consumer data, we’ve been able to isolate markets (controlled for variables) and the Hummingbirds network grew our average weekly turns by 3X in these markets – and in some locations, up to 16X! Not only did our business experience short-term growth during active campaigns, but we also sustained by nearly 80% for three months post-campaign. Not only do the Hummingbirds deliver results, but they also have a wonderful customer service experience with dedicated team members. Thank you, Hummingbirds!”

Kayla Brown, Marketing Director

Stuart Chamber

“Our experience with the Hummingbirds was amazing! They were very responsive and did a great job of showcasing our local businesses. Without a doubt the Stuart Chamber would recommend utilizing the hummingbirds to other chambers and community organizations.”

Nate Westre

Econ and Tourism
Pizza on the Prairie

“It’s kind of like a wildfire. Somebody who shares 'this is a great experience,' it sparks someone else to try it and they spark somebody else… you don’t know where the influence ends.”

Ann Taylor, VP

Food and Beverage

“Hummingbirds have the freedom to show their friends and family a genuine shopping experience. We’ve already seen ‘brand champions’ emerge from our campaigns.”

McClane Gill, Director of Marketing and Corporate Communications

Optimum Wellness Solutions
Healthy and Beauty

“I first participated in Hummingbirds as a business 4 years ago. Some of the connections that I made back then have continued to send me referrals throughout that time. Recently, I decided to participate once again with the hummingbirds. Not only did I get the chance to make new connections with new people, but within one month I already made back my investment in hummingbirds in new bookings that I can directly attribute to the promotion. That doesn't even include the ripple effect of future bookings or future referrals. Not only that, but we were able to grow our social media following by more than 11%, and our social media reach improved by nearly 70% in that window of time.”

Amy Vowles, Lead Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner

meet the birds

Thelma's Treats

“Hummingbirds makes it so easy to execute authentic, localized influencer marketing. When I'm typically up against months-long lead times for other tactics, Hummingbirds allows our marketing mix to stay fluid and relevant. In a matter of a couple days, Hummingbirds takes us from concept to content that directly reaches key audiences in key markets. Not only does this help us build brand awareness and drive sales, it generates content that has become a crucial part of our social strategy at the brand level.”

Nola Morris, CMO