5 Best CPG Marketing Campaigns And What They Teach Us


Consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands are trying to stand out on crowded shelves and busy newsfeeds. Oftentimes, the focus is on promoting everyday household products, like toiletries or frozen foods — but because these products are usually more practical than sensational, a well-planned campaign can go a long way to hook prospective customers and compel them to take action. 

Below, we’ll highlight five awesome CPG marketing campaigns, why they excelled, and how to use them as a springboard for your own initiatives. 


1. Stella Artois offers evidence that in-store marketing campaigns are still fashionable 

Stella Artios is a modern-premium beer brand, and its hip marketing efforts often mirror the latest pop culture trends. In 2022, Stella Artois partnered with designer luggage brand POTR and Washington Wizards’ Kyle Kuzma. The campaign, called Secure the Bag, included a sweepstakes to win high-end prizes, including a $10,000 fashion splurge with Kuzma. 

To enter, fans had to scan the QR codes on in-store signage or special Secure the Bag beer cans. These omnichannel efforts connected offline and online marketing, allowing customers to access in-store QR codes to win online — whether they purchased or not. 

The Secure the Bag campaign was part of a larger brand strategy to connect with younger demographics. Other content marketing efforts included partnerships with skateboard brands and hosting summer events in major U.S. cities with celebrity guests and unique activities. 

Why in-store promotions are successful

Even as e-commerce sales continue to rise, research shows that you can’t skimp on in-store opportunities. Not only are consumers more likely to experiment with shopping habits since COVID, they’re also open to incorporating new products into their everyday routines. 

While consumer behavior is heavily rooted in habit (which is often how CPG products become household mainstays), there is wiggle room for change. Whether you’re marketing to a hip Gen Z crowd or more conservative professionals, in-store promotions draw the eye and provide shoppers with immediate gratification. 

2. Halfday proves that CPG companies can’t ignore social media 

Halfday iced tea built its persona into its name: The brand markets to people who want a midday pick-me-up. 

In its most recent social media campaign, the brand’s marketing team targeted local audiences in key Ohio cities to build awareness and subtly influence consumer behavior. 

With the help of local influencers, Halfday showed how to seamlessly integrate gut-healthy Halfday into everyday routines and build brand loyalty. For example, one influencer posted a short clip of her Whole Foods shopping trip. After picking up a few Halfday iced tea flavors and some macaroons on a hot summer day, her enthusiastic followers responded with comments like “I’d love some peach iced tea right now.” 

The campaign worked because it focused on immediate concerns, such as relieving dehydration and getting a caffeine boost, before introducing the brand’s low-calorie count and 8g of prebiotic fiber. Halfday’s bright packaging and eye-catching graphics instantly conveyed energy and refreshment — exactly what the campaign hoped to promote!

Why social media marketing drives brand awareness 

Nearly everyone relies on the CPG industry to stock their homes and offices, so these products are easy to repeatedly promote on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram. Instead of selling high-cost items to an elite crowd, you can cast a wider net, build stronger relationships, and eventually inspire long-term loyalty in target audiences. 

Halfday’s social media campaign generated more than general awareness; it illustrated how customers could get instant mid-day relief without a sugar rush. Marketing experts agree that social media is a cost-effective way for local businesses to compete with global brands and optimize revenue. Marketing leaders advise teams to focus on local expertise and testimonials so content is relevant and valuable to consumers. 

3. Century Farms Distillery illustrates the importance of sustainability 

Century Farms Distillery (CFD) partners with local Iowan farmers to produce corn whiskey and bourbon. Farmers and their families have first dibs on the small batches before CFD sells the bottles across the state. CFD not only supports small business owners, they drastically cut down on energy use and transportation costs by staying close to home. 

The brand designed a CPG campaign to show customers exactly where to find CFD in their local grocery stores. The company partnered with local influencers to visit nearby stores to point out exactly where CFD bourbon lives on the crowded shelves. 

CFD’s many loyal customers choose the brand because it’s as sustainable as it is delicious. The campaign worked because it helped streamline the purchasing journey, showing new customers exactly which aisle to visit to support local businesses and farmers. 

Why going green is more than a good marketing strategy 

Climate change is a hot topic across the globe, so going green is far more than a solid marketing tactic. The more disastrous storms and temperature fluctuations heat up the headlines, the more consumers heed the call to think global and act local. 

Customers do vote with their wallets, and they’re putting their stock in companies that care how they impact the environment. When consumer goods account for 60% of greenhouse gas emissions, there are multiple incentives to go green. 

4. Goodles Mac underscores the value of authentic customer reviews 

Goodles Mac packs its noodles and cheese with protein and other nutritious ingredients for a healthier version of this classic side dish. To generate excitement for its comforting flavors and diet-friendly products, including two vegan options, the brand recently gave local influencers a gift card in exchange for branded content. 

Local influencers posted fun and informative videos and photos, showing off the product’s colorful packaging in the store and the tempting noodles and cheese sauce at home. Foodie influencers were enthusiastic about making it one of their pantry staples. 

The campaign worked primarily because mac-and-cheese is already beloved. Goodles is a guilt-free version that makes it easier to eat more often. Goodles core brand message is to celebrate moments that make everyone feel better, and this campaign successfully highlighted just how many ways there are to do it. 

Why testimonials drive sales 

Reviews and testimonials serve as a CPG product’s social proof, essentially implying that everyone uses a certain product and inviting a new customer to do the same. In 2024, the Local Consumer Review Survey reported that 50% of U.S. consumers trust consumer reviews as much as recommendations from friends and family (a slight increase from previous years). 

Testimonials often alleviate a consumer’s concerns about the product’s legitimacy or quality. Because they hear about and see the product in action, it’s easier for them to picture how they might use it, too. For food brands like Goodles, testimonials about taste and quality can set these products apart in a saturated sector. 

As you craft your digital marketing campaigns with an eye on industry trends, consider how to leverage different demographics to show off your brand’s versatility! 

5. AE Dairy highlights the value of micro-influencers 

AE Dairy is well-known in Iowa for its whole milk products. It’s been in operation for nearly a century — no easy feat in the land of dairy! To modernize the brand and remind people of its presence, the brand distributed gift cards to local influencers to buy products like chocolate milk and yogurt. 

AE Dairy had plenty of product SKUs, giving local influencers endless ways to showcase their hauls. Some shoppers made quick, kid-friendly treats at home, while others showed their family eating straight from the containers. 

AE Dairy even partnered with another Des Moines business, called Lola’s Fine Hot Sauce, to introduce the Ultimate Party Dip to Iowans. Made from AE Dairy’s sour cream and Lola’s hot sauce, the brands invited local influencers to feature the dip in anything from outdoor picnics to movie nights, to weekday dinners.  

AE Dairy’s campaigns worked because they drummed up nostalgia for childhood memories and wholesome flavors. Most of the comments were about how followers remembered certain products from way back. It didn’t take much of a nudge from the influencer to inspire followers to rediscover the brand. 

Plus, the campaign tapped into local pride, which made it more impactful than attempting to introduce a ‘new’ brand to a national audience. 

Why micro-influencers are more impactful than other influencer types 

Micro-influencers typically build their follower bases gradually, amassing more organic interest and impressions thanks to their quality content. This is why they’re often seen as more authentic to audiences than mega-influencers or celebrities. 

Plus, the influencer’s interests and passions tend to align better with followers. So instead of a celebrity posting a photo of a luxury designer handbag, a micro-influencer might post their latest thrift-shop finds. 

Micro- and nano-influencers may have lower follower counts, but their audiences tend to be more engaged. For local, mainstay brands like AE Dairy, micro-influencers are more effective when they’re marketing to their neighbors who all shared similar experiences growing up. 

What do these successful campaigns have in common? They leverage the power of influencers 

Every example above leverages influencers to highlight an important component of the CPG brand. Influencer marketing is particularly impactful because it simultaneously refreshes the product’s perception and introduces new utility. From social media campaigns to testimonials to in-store promos, influencers offer unique spins on emerging brands and old favorites alike. 

At Hummingbirds, we’re experts in local influencer marketing, and we understand how to make campaigns as entertaining as they are effective. Whether you’re browsing for free educational resources or putting the final touches of a campaign together, our team is here to help. 

If you’re ready to step up your CPG marketing campaigns, check out our influencer marketing guide!


3 Ways CPG Brands Drive Sales With Social Media


Influencers Are The Key To Modern CPG Marketing