A Guide To Working With User Generated Content Agencies


User-generated content (UGC) is any form of content created by users on a social media platform to promote a brand. It could be a Yelp review, a photo of a newly purchased product on Instagram, a customer testimonial you post on your website, or almost any other form of content. You can probably think of a few of your own examples and already see the value of this authentic and influential content, especially for promoting your brand. 

But understanding the power of high-quality UGC and harnessing it for yourself isn’t the same thing. Curating UGC and using it strategically to meet your goals is a challenge that many brands can’t tackle on their own. This is where UGC content agencies come into play. These agencies specialize in sourcing, creating, and managing UGC to help brands harness its power. But, it isn’t the only option, begging the question: Is hiring a UGC agency your best option? In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of working with UGC agencies, the questions you should be asking, and alternatives to help you make an informed decision. 


Understanding user generated content agencies

A user-generated content agency is a company that helps brands utilize UGC effectively by strategically connecting companies with creators who embody their audiences. They save brands time by bringing agency expertise, resources, and networks together to create engaging campaigns for use by the brand.  

Benefits and limitations of hiring an agency

When considering whether or not to hire a UGC content agency, it is important to consider the pros and cons before committing your brand to the company.


  • Time-saving: Agencies handle everything from sourcing creators to managing campaigns, freeing up your time.

  • Knowledge: Agencies bring specialized expertise in UGC and digital marketing strategies.

  • Network Access: Established agencies have vast networks of creators that can help you connect with target audiences.

  • Less Risk: Agencies make the hassle of testing different marketing strategies easier at little risk of brand failure.


  • Cost: Hiring an agency can be expensive when deciding whether to add an extra employee or outsourcing.

  • Potential Disconnect: Agencies might not fully understand your brand’s unique voice and value propositions compared to an employee.

  • Dependency: Relying on an agency can make it challenging to build in-house capabilities.

  • Lack of Niche Expertise: Agencies may not have specific industry or brand knowledge. 

5 Common services offered by UGC agencies

By partnering with a UGC agency, brands can access expertise and resources that streamline the process and ensure high-quality content, as shown in the benefits above. These agencies offer a range of services designed to maximize the impact of UGC campaigns. Here are five common services offered by UGC agencies and how they can benefit your brand:

1. Creator search and selection

Agencies excel in finding and vetting creators, leveraging their extensive networks to match brand values with the right UGC partners. This process includes identifying creators who align with the brand’s target audience to ensure authenticity and relevance post-production.

2. Strategy advisement

Agencies provide strategic guidance, consulting on (or entirely creating) a social media strategy to guide how brands leverage UGC. They advise on the types of content that will resonate with the target audience to reach specific marketing goals and drive engagement. They’re also up-to-date with the latest UGC trends and know how to leverage them in ways that are authentic to your brand. This strategic support is helpful to brands with limited expertise in UGC marketing as they begin leveraging social proof. 

3. Content creation

Agencies work closely with creators to ensure the content aligns with the brand’s values and marketing goals. This service is valuable to consider as you determine what social media content you want to provide on your feed. They also manage the entire content creation process, producing various types of UGC such as: 

  • Unboxing Videos

  • Customer Reviews/Testimonials

  • Product Demos

4. Campaign management

Agencies oversee UGC campaigns from start to finish, handling tasks like building briefs for creators, facilitating content distribution, and monitoring posts/engagement. They ensure that campaigns are running smoothly and achieving the desired results by managing all aspects of execution and coordination which opens up time for teams with limited resources to complete other tasks. 

5. Reporting and analytics

Agencies offer detailed reporting and analytics, helping brands measure the success of their UGC campaigns and make data-driven decisions. This includes tracking metrics like engagement rates, reach, and conversion rates to evaluate the impact of the content. It is vital for brands to measure analytics of their UGC content because it guides future campaigns and assists with decision making. 

The price tag

UGC creator rates range from $150 - $350 per piece of content. Per campaign, you can expect to pay between $1,000 to $10,000 when working with a UGC agency, but it also depends on the services provided and the campaign’s scale. Pricing even varies based on the complexity of the project, the level of agency involvement, and the platform used. For example, the rate per piece of content on Instagram is $50 - $500, while on YouTube it can get up to $1,000 per piece of content. 

Some agencies charge per piece of content, while others offer package deals for comprehensive campaign management. Authentic content packages, length of engagement, and services chosen are all things that should be taken into consideration when choosing the agency best suited for your brand. 

What to consider when looking for an agency partner

When comparing agencies, consider factors such as cost, expertise, and communication. Ensure the agency has experience in your industry and can offer the support you need to achieve your UGC goals and brand awareness. Don’t forget to do your research! Evaluate their portfolio, client testimonials, and case studies to gauge their effectiveness and reliability. Ask the hard questions before committing to one agency. 

3 Top user generated content agencies to consider

Choosing the right UGC agency can make a significant difference in the success of your marketing efforts. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled a list of three top UGC agencies known for their expertise, comprehensive services, and proven track records. Explore these options to find the perfect partner for your brand’s UGC strategy. 

1. inBeat

inBeat specializes in macro & micro-influencer marketing and UGC campaigns, making it an excellent choice for brands looking to harness the power of niche audiences. They have extensive experience with e-commerce brands and the fashion and beauty industries, ensuring they understand the unique needs and challenges of these markets. Their creator-centric growth solutions are at the heart of their services, where they adapt to each brand’s unique tone.

inBeat offers a comprehensive range of services, including the following: 

  • Paid Media

  • Influencer Marketing

  • UGC Ads

  • Static Ads

  • Creative Social Media Strategy

2. Glide Agency

Glide Agency is known for its creative content production and digital marketing expertise, along with their UGC services. Their expertise is in helping e-commerce retailers, disruptive businesses and ground-breaking startups thrive online. They do this by creating and implementing digital campaigns at a high-level through available technologies and analyzing brand growth.

Glide Agency is powerful in the digital advertising space, and the services you can count on by them include the following: 

  •  Digital Campaigns

  • Social Media Strategy and Analytics

  • Digital Media Budget Planning

  • Paid Advertising ROAS Optimization

  • Organic Search Strategy

3. Crafted

Crafted is a full-service digital marketing and UGC agency specializing in health, fitness, and wellness industries. They are known for their tailored approach on campaigns to ensure that each product aligns with the brand’s goals and objectives. They review every creator before they join Crafted to ensure the best profile matches to brands. Their pricing is customized based on the campaign’s scope and specific needs.

Crafted offers end-to-end solutions, including the following services:

  • Influencer Marketing

  • Paid Video Ads

  • Organic UGC Video Content

  • Campaign Analytics

Alternatives to hiring an agency

If hiring a UGC agency isn’t the right fit for your brand, there are several viable alternatives to consider. One option is managing UGC in-house, which can be cost effective for brands with a dedicated marketing team and budget; however, it requires significant time and expertise to source creators, manage campaigns, and analyze results. So, when considering this alternative, it is important to understand your brand goals and the company resources. If you want to have complete control over the content creation process to ensure the brand’s voice and values are heard, then in-house UGC management is for you.

Another option is hiring a freelance UGC specialist who can bring their expertise to your brand. Freelancers often have experience with various aspects of UGC, from content creation to strategy development, offering a flexible and affordable solution compared to an agency. However, finding a skilled freelancer with the right experience and understanding of your brand and industry may be difficult. 

Alternatively, you can use a UGC platform like Hummingbirds. With Hummingbirds, brands can take advantage of comprehensive campaign management tools that simplify every aspect of the UGC process. We combine the expertise of an agency with the flexibility of in-house management to support brands who want to own their UGC strategy. From finding creators to managing campaigns, Hummingbirds is a platform that supports brands. 

An example of a brand that’s seen great success by using a UGC platform to manage its campaign is Lola's Fine Hot Sauce. They found that Hummingbirds support their brand growth not only by generating authentic, engaging content but by delivering consistent metric results in a more cost-effective way than typical agencies.

"Hummingbirds has delivered consistent results period-over-period - the hummingbirds network grew our average weekly turns by 3X in markets – and in some locations, up to 16x! Not only did our business experience short-term growth during active campaigns, but we also sustained by nearly 80% for three months post-campaign." - Kayla Brown, Marketing Director

Choose a UGC platform so robust it’s like having an agency at your disposal

Hummingbirds provides an all-in-one platform for managing UGC, offering a cost-effective alternative to traditional agencies. With Hummingbirds, you get access to local content creators, campaign management tools, and expert support, all empowering you to maximize your UGC strategy. We are a platform here for you!

Ready for that next step? Learn more about how Hummingbirds can help your brand harness the power of user-generated content. Book a call today!


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